This week's blog is of the serious nature written by my oldest son, Shayne. I wanted to share this you all. Thank you.
I will start this off by saying that I spent 4 years active duty from 99-03. I had good times and bad as does every other Marine. I have always regretted getting out until now.
Long Story Short... A Marine joins to serve his country and better himself as a Man. He is sent to Afghanistan for 9 months and is picked because of his abilities to join up with a different unit while he is there. Does his tour with honor courage and commitment to the corps, his unit and his country. He returns from his deployment and shortly gets promoted to Cpl.
But he also returns with MANY mental issues due to his deployment and tries to take his own life....He is hospitalized, medicated and is going to be released on a medical discharge because of this. His unit gets scheduled for a field op which the Naval Doctors say HE SHOULD NOT GO ON or it could severely affect his current mental condition, but his all-knowing CO decides the doctors don’t know anything and decide to take him any way no matter what the doctors say...
The Marine comes back from the field and then gets NJP'ed (non-judicial punishment for the night he tried to take his life) and has every possible punishment thrown at him even though his entire Chain of command goes and says what and awesome Marine he is...
So instead of helping a Marine that has SEVERE mental issues due to his time served his CO decides that he is going to do everything in his power to take everything he had EARNED and just toss it away...
He should have done the honorable thing and just let the Marine get his Medical discharge and the help he needed; instead he stripped him of everything because he knows what’s best.......
With all the friends and all the good times I have had in the Marines, I am now actually for the First time since 03 HAPPY I got out instead of being around Marines who do all they can to crap all over the Brotherhood that I THOUGHT the Marine Corps was about....
Someone, Please Remind me what SEMPER FI means..........