I had to write this blog. As a woman, a victim of sexual, verbal and physical abuse, I felt I had no choice. I am embarrassed of where women, not all, but many, have gone to with their self-righteous feminism. I am sure I will get a lot of backlash from this one. So be it. This is my story and my opinions; nothing more.
I guess I need to preface this blog. Let you know a bit about who I am, and how I have evolved to this point in my life.
I grew up in a a small seashore town to parents who were Democrats. I followed their lead. Later in life my parents switched parties and became Republicans. I stayed put. Voted for Bill Clinton twice. It was during his second term I realized that the party I had embraced, had changed, at least in my eyes. I could not relate to the Democrats need to control all under them. I couldn't understand their need to "protect" all people of color, women, etc. The perception I got was one of elite authority and control. Stay down so I say what you get and what you need because I don't believe you can decide for yourself; all the while chanting equality. Maybe I was the one that changed. So I started to read, listen and watch all I could about all the parties.
I came out of my research a strong Republican. Now that doesn't mean I agree with all the party stands for or all candidates. Can you ever agree on every issue or candidate; I doubt it. But I did and still do believe people who are told continually that they are victims, will eventually believe it even if it isn't true.
I found/find it obscene when a black conservative spoke out, they were labeled an Uncle Tom. How dare someone of color have a mind of their own, thoughts or ideas that didn't lean left. Am I the only one who finds that arrogantly controlling? For the party of inclusion and tolerance to hate anyone who doesn't follow their step?
For these reasons and so many more I chose to leave the left.
With that said I feel the need to address the confirmation hearings of Judge Kavanaugh, women's marches of today, among a few other things. I was disgusted. The hearing was a farce. Kamala Harris and Corey Booker auditioning, and embarrassingly so, for the 2020 nomination.
I was very glad to see Republicans finally getting a spine and fighting back. It's about damn time.
And then we have Senator Feinstein. Withholding a letter for months (because the writer wanted to remain anonymous) and then leaking it. Someone leaked it, she had it. My thoughts.
Now the guts of my gripe on the whole thing.
Since when should someone be believed, or disbelieved for that matter, based solely on their sex, race, gender or anything else? Since when does the chant "WE BELIEVE SURVIVORS" take the place of due process, of another's rights to defend themselves?
You want to be equal, then don't make up the rules as you go.
It is demeaning and insulting to assume that all women tell the truth and all men lie; and visa versa.
What do I know about anything? At 17 I was raped by my boyfriend. Not just forced, raped. This boyfriend of mine also verbally and physically abused me, which I allowed. Damn near cracked my skull once. And the man that saved me from him, my first husband, evolved into a physical and verbal abuser as well. You know, guns to your head, lit matches thrown on you. Furniture hurled at you in anger. Oh, and I'll throw in how he brought a stripper home and slept with her in our living room while I stayed quietly in the bedroom too afraid to say anything.
I know abuse and fear and humiliation all too well. Doesn't say much for my choices or self esteem back then, but that's another blog entirely. I know what it is to be a victim of a vicious assault. I am not just writing this out of my ass because I'm a Republican.
Justice Kavanaugh.
This is a man who revers the Constitution and his position; not as a law maker but one who reads and understands the Constitution of the United States. He doesn't try to make policy for one side or the other; he is for the people. His record shows that. This man had been vetted six times by the FBI. Nothing, ever came out of this indecent. So, when a woman claims that something happened 35 years ago, that's it. End of discussion. She doesn't remember much, but she knows it was him. Her four witnesses say not so, (one of them her friend) but yet again; a woman said it happened so she must be believed.
And then you have Alyssa Milano sitting behind Judge Kavanaugh with a sign that said something like I Believe Survivors, no on Kavanaugh. What the hell does that even mean? Her hair up and her glasses on, she looked like a prop. No evidence, just someone with a vagina. That's all you need now. What does it say about our mentality when we believe someone based on their genitalia? Again, as a woman, I'm beyond embarrassed and insulted at how "progressive" women see the world.
I don't know if something happened to Ms. Ford. If it did I am profoundly sorry. But, you cant accuse someone of something with absolutely no proof and call anyone that questions you a woman hater and much worse.
You say we are equal but you can't be questioned about an accusation, lest being called a beast with no compassion, no soul; a women hater?? You say the white men on the court are not protecting you? But then you say I am woman hear me roar. You can't have it every which way. Did her lawyers ever tell her the senate committee would have flown to her in confidence??
She was so used by the left it was disgusting. Talk about no compassion.
I am at a loss to understand how anyone can say all women must be believed.
Let's talk about women's marches. You have Ashley Judd screaming about how angry she is and thinks about blowing up the White House. Wearing pink pussy hats. Nice way to make a point.
I, myself, am not defined by my genitals.
I guess my point is that, in my opinion, women are doing themselves a disservice by claiming to be a force to be reckoned with, yet in the same breath say we must always be believed at any cost.
It is not a message that I want for my daughter, granddaughter, or grandson for that matter.
What does it say to decent men that if you are accused of a crime against a woman, any woman, you are presumed guilty and have no voice, at all. You have a penis which makes you bad.
We are so much more than our sex, gender or color; or political affiliation for that matter. Human beings, nothing more, nothing less. All to be held accountable for our actions regardless of sex. And to the elitist snobs of Hollywood. When you come out from behind your gated lives, then we can talk about an open boarder.
So much more to say. But not today..
People make it so much harder than it has to be by acting so entitled. Exhausting...
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